Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Benini 2006 “Sassotondo” Maremma

The Tuscan Maremma is becoming the place to go for lighter, softer reds, contrasting earthy Chianti Classico and brooding Brunellos. In the airy hills of Grosseto province, Sangiovese is known as …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Borgo Conventi 2007 Friulano, Collio

During the 1970s winemakers in Friuli proved the aesthetic and commercial viability of monovarietals that showcased the region’s unique mesoclimates and cultural influences. One of the most succesful was Tocai Friulano, …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Moletto 2004 “La Pisara” Salento

By now, most oenophiles know about the Primitivo-Zinfandel connection. And most would be able to sniff and sip the differences in North American zin and a dark, spicy, mildly tannic Salento …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Feudo Maccari 2005″ReNoto” Sicilia

 Sicily is developing a reputation as the “California” of Italian wine, a region where ambiguous regulations allow winemakers latitude regarding production and freedom to experiment.The inclusion of non-Italian grapes to the …

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