Sommelier Quiz

Do you have what it takes to be a sommelier? Our sommelier quiz is the closest you get to a sommelier test without paying tuition. These questions come from the official level three sommelier test. It’s time to test your wine knowledge!

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This Sommelier Quiz is Just the Beginning

We love wine.  We make it, teach it, buy it, and live it. It’s our passion and our livelihood. If you are here, you are probably considering taking a class or wine course. You probably want to test yourself and see exactly what your Wine IQ is. Can you ace these sommelier test questions?

This quiz is only 15 questions long, but don’t get smug. This is not your usual wine quiz; the questions are designed to test if your knowledge is authentic. Don’t be dismayed if you don’t get a high score. Take a look a the leaderboard. Most of those names are high-level sommeliers, and at least one is a Master Sommelier.

The quiz does something even more important; it will guide you toward classes you should attend here at the Wine School of Philadelphia or your local wine school. Not sure where to go to class? Not near Philly? No worries, you should check out SOMM for a local wine education venue listing.

Level One Sommelier Quiz

We recommend the National Wine School’s online wine programs, which include the level 1 sommelier study guide. We believe it to be of high quality than what the Court of Master Sommeliers offers and costs much less, as well.

sommelier quiz

The Sommelier Quiz

What is it, and why should I care?

If you are planning on a career in aerospace engineering or machine coding, then you probably won’t have any use for wine knowledge. Your friends are all probably on the wrong side of the spectrum, and you make a mid-six-figure salary.  You’re probably in the only career that taking a sommelier test isn’t cool or useful. This is equivalent to the NWS Level 1 Sommelier Practice Test.

Sommelier Salaries

If you are in the restaurant or wine trade, earning your sommelier certificate is a smart course. On average, a person with a sommelier certification will enjoy an income over 50% higher than the average restaurant salary.

  • Average Sommelier Salary: $54,000
  • Sommelier with Advanced Certificate: $78,000
  • Sommelier with Master-Level Certificate: $150,000

Restaurant Salary Averages:

  • Restaurant Manager $49,000
  • Chef $50,000
  • Kitchen Manager $41,181

Wine Knowledge is Business Critical

Having a sommelier certificate is far more than being a somm. It’s almost as essential outside the restaurant industry as in it. The certificate itself isn’t even that important: it’s the knowledge earned that is mission-critical in today’s business environment.

Wine knowledge is key to every job where a client needs to be impressed, a promotion solidified, or a level of cultural sophistication is required. Knowing the ins and outs of wine can’t be learned in a book; most wine books are outdated and geared toward consumerism. It requires taking a professional wine course.

Wine is the international litmus test for sophistication and intelligence. In a world where very few things are translated into all cultures: wine knowledge stands above all other status symbols.

The Sommelier Test is the Winemaker’s Crutch

Sommelier certification is often a first step for people who dream of becoming a winemaker. Rather than jump directly into a 6-year educational program, a sommelier program is often the best use of time and money. Much of what is learned in a viticultural Master of Science degree is taught in a top-notch sommelier program.

Passing the Somm Exam

If you did well in our wine quiz, then congregations! You are on your way to earning your actual certificate. However, you really need to know things before signing up for a wine course.

  • Attend a Top Ranked Wine School.
    Taking classes at one of the best wine schools is like earning your degree at Harvard.  It’s better to make a low-level certificate from a highly-ranked school than earn your Master-Level certification from one with a low SOMM Score. 
  • Take wine classes that include structured tastings
    To pass the sommelier test, you will need plenty of experience tasting wines  in a professional environment. Make sure the wine school you attend offers wine tastings in all their classes. 

14 thoughts on “Sommelier Quiz”

  1. This quiz was so much fun! I learned a lot about my wine knowledge and discovered some areas I need to improve on. Can’t wait to try out some new wines based on the tips you shared!

  2. I just took the quiz and was surprised at how much I didn’t know! It was fun and informative. I definitely need to brush up on my wine knowledge. Great post!

  3. Loved this quiz! It was fun to test my wine knowledge and learn some new facts along the way. Can’t believe how much there is to know about wine. Definitely shared it with my friends!

  4. I ha and ve been making wine a home for 30 years with mostly American grapes Concord,Ives and Ferdonia Entered wine tasting put on by the rotore club by professional juges i am always wanting to learn more about grapes and wine making i grow the three grapes that i mentioned

    • I have been a wine collector for almost 20 years now, and while I only have about 300 bottles in my cellar, I’ve worked as a sommelier in a wine store, and drunk many thousands of bottles at tastings and events, family dinners, and sitting at home, over the years.

      I had my basic level sommelier certification about 18 years ago, and I can tell you that I only scored a little over 84% on this test. Some of the questions are a little too obscure for normal knowledge about varietals and wine growing regions.

  5. Dear Sir/ Madam
    My name is Hazel Milligan. Most recently, I completed treatment for Breast cancer. I would like to plan a wine tasting Fundraiser for breast cancer
    specifically for women of color. I realize that during my treatment process that we took cancer put it on the back burner but, when Covid is gone. Cancer
    will still be here.
    I hope you can help me with my project below is contact information

    • Hazel, I am a wine ambassador and woman of color. Pls. contact me @ 267-254-4400. I would like to help you with your fundraiser.

  6. Evidence shows that wine originated in Armenia. You don’t have that choice. Armenia and the Republic of Georgia have cultivated wine for 8,000 years.

    • Armenia was one of the places where winemaking originated, that is true. However, it is Turkey, specifically Lower Anatolia, where most of the evidence points as the primary origin of the grape vitis vinifera.

    • Most of historic Armenia is now in Turkey. But the Armenians there were murdered in the genocide of 1917. Therefore turkey was the correct answer.


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