The Wine School of Philadelphia and the Philly Beer School are not-for-profit schools with a mission to educate, inspire and entertain. The school and its directors (Alana Zerbe and Keith Wallace) are friends to all institutions and movements that work toward making our city a better place for everyone.
Support Philly
You are here because you want a contribution to a charity. We are happy to oblige! The Wine School donates over tens of thousand of dollars a year to charities in Philadelphia. The submission form is on this page.
However, we also ask that you consider supporting an essential Philly institution.
Philly’s Quaker History
Did you know that the Wine School was founded on Quaker ideals, like many schools in the Philadelphia area? It is surprising to many people, but wine and winemaking have been apart of Friends tradition since William Penn planted grapevines in Fairmount.
The Wine Connection
The founders of Philly’s wine school were committed to Quaker ideals, and that tradition continues into the 21st century. The school is an alternative learning and career space for people who otherwise would not be able to achieve their slice of the American dream.
Attending classes and courses at the Wine School fund important work. If you love wine and are committed to do good in this world, the Wine School is a place for you. Every dollar spent at the Wine School goes to supporting peace, equality, and human dignity.
Now, let’s talk about you.
Charity Auctions and Donations
We seek to help all nonprofits and charities, and are happy to donate & support their endeavours. We offer two types of donations to charities: gift certificates & wine events.
Gift Certificates
Perfect for charity auctions. These are a high-value item (valued at $75) that are often highly bidded upon in auctions. We need three items prior to issuing a gift certificate to your charity.
- A request email (see form on this page)
- A photocopy of your 501(c)3 status
- Charities are also required to send a letter of receipt.
Wine Events
Our charity wine tastings are extraordinarily popular and a wonderful way to throw a gala event. We run these events at cost. For information regarding our charity wine events, please view our event page. Pricing for charity events typically are 20-25% below the listed prices.
Immediately after you submit your request, you will be sent to a confirmation page. There will be information on that page that will help us process your charity wine request.
Charity Application
Uncharitable Requests
We are happy to be apart of the Philadelphia community, and are eager to give back. Our charity partners have been an utter pleasure to work with and look forward to working with them –and you– for many years.
However, there are number of charities –a very small number, mind you– that hire the most profoundly ignorant humans on the face of this good earth. They seem to relish making our lives a living hell, but we hope it’s just a lack of common sense and not a general hatred of humanity.
In the spirit of mutual benefit, please try and refrain from the following:
- Please do not repeatedly email, call, or fax us demanding a donation. All you need to do is use the form on this page.
- Don’t complain bitterly that we making it too hard for you. If sending an email is too hard for you, then your life has been far too easy up to this point.
- For the love of pete, don’t cajol us for larger and larger donations on a weekly basis.
- Don’t post on the forum that we are horrible people for only donating a gift certificate.
- Don’t call our president’s personal cell phone and act insulted when he doesn’t really want to spend twenty minutes talking about the endangered speckled lemur. He has a life, and it doesn’t revolve around you.
- Its silly to demand that we supply free wine for your “charitable” dinner parties.
- If you keep our donation rather than giving the proceeds to charity, don’t be surprised when we find out.
Yeah, every one of those points has been tried at least once in the last few years. We love to help out our fellow Philadelphians, so we will keep on donating to charity, even when they make it almost impossible to feel good about it.