Colorful Sicily wine bottle with grapes and leaves.

Sicilian Wine Reviews

A few of our favorite wines from our trips to Sicily.Gambino ViniThe Gambino winery sits in the shadows of Mount Etna near Linguaglossa, its terraced vineyards sloping toward the ring of …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Borgo Conventi 2007 Friulano, Collio

During the 1970s winemakers in Friuli proved the aesthetic and commercial viability of monovarietals that showcased the region’s unique mesoclimates and cultural influences. One of the most succesful was Tocai Friulano, …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Italian Wine Reviews

While the member of the Wine School team laying waste to Spain’s porcine population, yours truly was engaged in exhaustive research concerning patterns of wine consumption among Italians. Specifically, what will …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Hilberg-Pasquero 2007 Vareij

If you’ve read any of the wine reviews I’ve posted over the last couple of years, you are well aware of my fondness for the unusual, the eccentric, and the downright …

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