Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Emina 2005 Atio

Ribero del Duero is one of the top wine regions in Spain. At its heart is what has been dubbed “the golden mile.” Many of the region’s top producers have their …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

La Fin Du Monde by Unibroue

The more I taste beers from Canada’s rising microbrews, the greater my respect. They embrace the quality of North American grains and hops, and at the same time executing old-school brewing styles. …

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Budweiser is taking on Philly Craft Brews

Philadelphians are buying more craft beer than ever, but the region’s brewmasters are bracing for the biggest name in beer to move into town. Anheuser-Busch InBev, the maker of Budweiser products …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Chateau Liot 2005 Sauternes

From perhaps the most famous sweet-wine region in the world comes this wildly affordable sticky. We’ve recommended it before and are unashamed to do so again. A drinkable, not-cloyingly sweet wine …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Apparently, You Are What You Eat

Taste and Share – a social network connecting food and wine enthusiasts worldwide – recently published a fascinating article connecting one’s proclivities for sweets to their personality.  Interestingly, impulsivity and a …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Nita 2007 Priorat

I actually find the price of this wine both insulting and incredibly exciting—sort of like when I met Chevy Chase. Someone at the PLCB must share my love of Priorat and …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

The Robotic Sommelier

Looks like the sommeliers of the world may soon look be run on batteries. A new wine-tasting robot has been unveiled by researchers working for NEC System Technologies in conjunction with …

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