If you’ve perused our list of upcoming wine classes, you probably noticed that many of our Regional classes are devoted to Italy. And they usually sell out – quickly. Actually, many classes, including our Wine 101 and Food and Wine Pairing, include wine from Italy.
And the blurbs that accompany each listing note that more premium Italian wine is consumed in America than Italy…even in the face of price increases as the dollar hangs on for dear life against the Euro. Brunellos, Barolos, and Super Tuscans find welcoming shelf space in countless cellars stateside.
Why? I have my theories (shocking, huh?), but those who know my passion for Italy’s wines would chalk it up to cultural bias. So I throw it open for discussion to you, the wine drinkers of America (or anyplace else for that matter)…weigh in with your opinions and feedback. But please bring something to the Tavola beside “because they taste good.”
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