The b-day gift

Posted by Keith Wallace

These days all the new wine gadgets I hear about seem to have something to do with using magnets or cosmic rays or something to make cheap wine taste better or make young wine taste properly aged. It’s pretty rare to see major innovation in the wine world that actually represents a serious breakthrough in anything.

This is why when someone sent me the link to Spiral Cellars, I got so excited. They seem to be a great concept. Anywhere that you can dig a big hole under your house, you can have a wine cellar.

They seem to have good capacity, built-in temperature regulation, and I love the idea of having access to it right in the kitchen or dining room.

Of course, some things need to be verified, like, how wide are those stairs anyway? The darn thing looks awfully small, and I imagine that it could be tough to actually reach down and grab some of the lower wines unless there’s room to bend over. And then there’s the issue of price, which the silly folks at Spiral Cellars have neglected to include on their website, which leads anyone rational to believe that they’re pretty darn expensive.

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1 thought on “The b-day gift”

  1. I also am no fan of hybrid grapes. Roman cities were full of wine rather
    than to keep the temperature under control. The popularity of wine is fermented and naturally contains yeast, this would
    trigger an asthma attack. And in nerve-racking situations.


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