Five top Italian wines for $20.

Top Italian Red Wines for $20

Italian Red Wines 101Walk into any wine shop, and you will be confronted with hundreds of Italian red wines, ranging in price from six dollars to hundreds. Your goal is to …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Poggio Scalette 2012 Chianti Classico

The Greve Valley is lined with terraced vineyards. Looking across the valley from this winery, those stone walls can look like a giant scallete (ladder, in Italian).  At least it did for the …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Benini 2006 “Sassotondo” Maremma

The Tuscan Maremma is becoming the place to go for lighter, softer reds, contrasting earthy Chianti Classico and brooding Brunellos. In the airy hills of Grosseto province, Sangiovese is known as …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Nozzole 2000 “La Forra” Chianti Classico Riserva

A style of Chianti that is growing rarer by the vintage. Leather, wet earth, and game notes are predominant on the nose, with bing cherry & smoke flavors on the palate. Light to medium in body, this is a lovely balance of earth & fruit in a food-friendly framework. The current pricing in Pennsylvania is $16 , which is less than half your average retail price of $40. The great pricing —not to mention this is a classic style of Chianti Classico that will soon be extinct due to changes in wine laws– makes this the wine buy of the week.

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