Street Artist Shepard Fairey is now a Booze Label Designer

Posted by Keith Wallace

If you are of a certain age and a certain temperament, you will know Shepard Fairy as the outlaw artist behind the “Andre the Giant” posters that popped up across the country in the late nineties. Along with Banksy out of the UK, he was a part of the street art movement that captured the imagination of punk rockers and university professors the world over.

If you are a bit younger, you will know him as the guy who designed the Obama “Hope” campaign poster.

Like all of us former punk rockers, Mr. Fairey is in his forties now. So what does a former anarco-artist do? Along with hanging out with the Prez, he is doing pretty much what all of us do: working for the man. He has hit the news recently for teaming up with the actress and sometimes wine mogul Drew Barrymore to design the label of her Pinot Grigio.

This is an example of design being so much better than the wine itself. This is not the first time he has designed a wine label. His first was for Kenwood Winery.  It a less successful outing, but still with some of his flair.

It doesn’t end there, though. He also designed a label for 1800 Tequila, part of the Jose Cuervo empire.

And also a wine bag. Bottoms up, Mr Fairey!

shepard Fairey

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