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Buzz Kill

A drug aimed at alcoholism is one step closer to hitting your corner pharmacy. Nalmefene apparently obliterates the pleasure of drinking booze by targeting -and blocking- specific receptors in the brain .  In a …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Albarino Season!

With the warm weather upon us and the season of root veggies and all things braised blissfully put away for another year, this time has come to break out those bottles …

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What the Nose Knows – A Book Review

If I were to describe a wine as boasting a nose with hints of geosmin (damp earth), phenyl ethyl alcohol (rosy scent), some methylthiobutryate (feces), and a lingering waft of androstenone …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Sauvignon Blanc Season

Finally, it seems, winter has loosened its grip on us. Or, to be more accurate, we’ve finally been treated to something resembling springtime weather: Yes, this past week, we experienced not …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

L’Oca’s Anchovies

This past week, we held the second Sommelier Smackdown catered by L’Oca, the delicious Italian restaurant across the street from the school. Also, for the second time, they provided us with …

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