wine glasses in classroom

Wine & Health through the Ages

Wine must be a magical elixir. Otherwise, how can we explain why a restaurant wine list often turns a CEO into a pouting child?  I have seen powerful doctors in bespoke …

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Cooking Class and Wine Pairing

This month, we featured  wine pairings and recipes perfect for fall and the coming holidays.   I’ve posted the menu and wine pairings  from the class . I also posted the recipes …

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Philly Uncorked: Champange

Philly Uncorked was filmed at the Wine School of Philadelphia by Banyon Productions. Keith Wallace developed, wrote and co-starred in the show. He also co-produced the show with Banyon.

wine 101 page

Philadelphia Inquirer: The newlywed cellar

Making those choices would be a challenge for even a well-seasoned wine drinker. So I turned to several Philadelphia wine experts for advice – plus specifics on how they would spend that $500 – and discovered a wide range of strategies, styles, and considerations for tackling such a happy conundrum.
The first question each one asked, though, was probably the least sexy: What is the storage situation?

“If wines are not stored in a reasonably cool, dark environment, they’re not going to hold very well,” says Keith Wallace, founder of the Wine School of Philadelphia. “Even two years out, bottles can be compromised.”

Dealing with wine fridges or a genuine basement wine cellar is a project of its own that can easily devour hundreds of dollars. But it’s a necessary evil if you plan to lay an expensive bottle down for a decade or two.

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Philly Uncorked: Pinot Grigio

Philly Uncorked was a series of videos developed, written, and co-produced by Keith Wallace and Banyon Productions for Eventually, the underwriter, the PLCB, wanted to monetize the show with product …

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austrian wine

Philly Uncorked: Austrian Whites

Philly Uncorked was a series of videos developed, written, and co-produced by Keith Wallace and Banyon Productions for Eventually, the underwriter, the PLCB, wanted to monetize the show with product …

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