Caliboro Estate 2006 “Erasmo” Red

Posted by Keith Wallace

A lighter style red coming from Chile, with a distinctive old-world character. Tobacco leaf and wet clay mingle with raspberry notes. The finish opens up, and darker fruit take hold, along with baking spices and a sweet edge of vanilla.

This Chilean winery was founded by a member of the Cinzano family of Tuscany. The owner of the Col d’Orcia estate in Montalcino, Count Francesco Marone Cinzano,  started making wine here in the mid-nineties. The vineyards are planted mostly to Bordeaux varietals, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot.

About Central Valley Wine Region (Including Maule Valley)

Via Wikipedia. Wine districts Curicó Valley, Maipo Valley, MauleValley (Claro Valley, Lontue Valley), Rapel Valley (Colchagua Valley, Cachapoal Valley, Curicó Valley, Tenue Valley) The oldest, most central, and most traditional wine region, the Central Valley Viticultural Region, contains four wine districts encompassing seven wine areas.

The Curicó Valley is situated200 kilometers (120 miles) south of Santiago and is home to such brand leaders as Caliterra, Montes, Torres, and Valdivieso. Curicó is known principally for Chardonnay but also produces fine Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir.

The Maipo Valley around Santiago is still the country’s most intensively cultivated district and its most famous wine appellation. It is one of the warmest growing districts in the country, and, although by no means the best, it is still capable of regularly producing excellent wines, particularly reds.

Farthest south of all is the Maule Valley, which contains three wine areas and is generally better suited to red wines than whites, but is really quite variable overall. Consequently, vast amounts of the local Pais grapes are grown solely for local consumption. Want more? Check out our wines for beginners article.

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