Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Poggio Scalette 2012 Chianti Classico

The Greve Valley is lined with terraced vineyards. Looking across the valley from this winery, those stone walls can look like a giant scallete (ladder, in Italian).  At least it did for the …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Tenuta Belguardo 2007 Belguardo

This property is located in the ancient lands of the Etruscans, today known as Maremma. Over the past twenty years, this coastal region of Tuscany has emerged from history to become …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Belguardo 2009 Serrata, Tuscany

Up until twenty years ago, the Tuscan coast was more well know for Etruscan ghosts than wine. What’re a few decades compared to a few millennia?  In what is known as …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

The Top Ten Truths of Tuscan Tourism

The Wine School of Philadelphia took our show on the road the first week of June, converting the Villa Giusterna in Chianti into our Tuscan campus. Instead of boring everyone with …

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