Beer Tasting Classes

3 Floyds Brewery

Love beer? Check out the Philly Beer School!All Hail the DarkessWould you wait in line for hours for the chance to buy four bottles of beer? Would you pay hundreds of …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Local Wine Events

One dude changed how America thought about wine and changed it for good. Eric V. Orange didn’t mean to, but that’s how history often works. This interview happened in 2012. Promoting …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Pio Cesare 2006 Piodilei

This is definitely a wine that needs some rebranding. ‘Piodilei’ literally translates to ‘Pio for the ladies.’ It is so named because the family’s women found this wine particularly appealing–though there’s …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Nita 2007 Priorat

I actually find the price of this wine both insulting and incredibly exciting—sort of like when I met Chevy Chase. Someone at the PLCB must share my love of Priorat and …

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