3 Rings 2013 Shiraz, Barossa Valley

Posted by Keith Wallace

3 Rings 2013 Shiraz, Barossa Valley
3 Rings 2013 Shiraz, Barossa Valley

It’s interesting how fashion changes in the wine world. When this wine was first released, it was the belle of the ball. Robert Parker of the Wine Advocate gave the 2004 Reserve release a whopping 96 points.  For the next four vintages, Mr. Parker never rated a vintage lower than 90 Points for either the Reserve or this bottle.

This wine hasn’t changed much from vintage to vintage. However, the ratings have. The Wine Advocate now rates this vintage as an 85.  That is an embarrassingly low score. Does this mean the wine’s quality has dropped?

I don’t believe so. The Wine School has used this wine for our Wine 101 class since the 2007 vintage. The 2013 vintage is an exceptional Barossa Shiraz, and it is one of the best bottles 3 Rings has produced.  Just don’t take our word for it: the Wine Spectator also consistently rated this wine highly since the 2004 vintage and also has given 2013 a very high rating.

This wine hasn’t changed, but it seems the wine reviews are changing their tune. Robert Parker and the Wine Advocate were the unrivaled leaders of the “Bigger is Better” trends of the last twenty years. But not everyone is digging this style of wine these days. Does this drama change a bellwether of what is to come?

In any case, this is a fantastic bottle. It’s a huge blackberry flavored pillow of a wine. Its massive alcohol will put you to sleep, dreaming of burnt chocolate and hazelnut candy bars.

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