Ambassador Program Application

We are currently accepting applications for our Ambassador program. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this is one of the ways we are helping out members of our community who are struggling.

The goal of this program is to introduce potential students to the Wine School. The ambassador’s job is simply to find fellow wine lovers in the Philly region and point them our way. It’s a fun job, and something many of you already do. We just want to make sure you get credit for your work.

As an Ambassador, your job is to champion the school and its academic programs. You will earn up to 45% of your referrals to the Wine School. The more people you bring to the school, the better it for all of us. 


Application to Become an Ambassador

To qualify, you’ll need to fill out the form at the bottom of this page.  Once approved, you can immediately start promoting the Wine School.  Already a Wine School Ambassador? Go your account page here:

[affiliate_registration redirect=””]

How the Ambassador Program Works

We will supply you with a personalized link to the school’s front page. When anyone uses that link, you will earn up to 45% of every generated sale.  You can promote the school using the personlized link in any way you see fit. It can be via social media, podcasts, websites, or publications. You can even hand people the link if you want. All we ask is that you keep it classy: we don’t take kindly to shenanigans. You get paid whenever someone uses your custom link, and registers for a class or program. 

Ambassador Levels

The more people you send to the Wine School, the higher the percentage you are paid.

Important Considerations

Ambassador levels are reset every month. Ambassadors cannot use their own referral link to sign up for classes. Anyone abusing the system or customer support will be banned. Spamming and other unethical schemes will not be tolerated.

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