
Philadelphia Daily News: Get a taste, and degree, for wine

If you don’t know a pinot gris from a pinot noir, resolve this year to become a wine pro.

With the popularity of movies like “Sideways,” a film about love and marriage set in southern California’s Santa Barbara County wine district, as well as increased interest among young professionals who are starting wine clubs and going to tastings, there’s no better time to sip and learn.

Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Perfect for Pairings: Grower Champagne

Late last week, I was fortunate enough to attend a grower-champagne dinner. This is a category of bubbly that’s unfamiliar to many people, though, in all honesty, it shouldn’t be: The …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Riesling Reviews

One of our Advanced students just spent a month drinking nothing but Riesling. I thought that was really cool, so I asked him to write about it.———-One man’s journey to the …

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Wasting Away in Wineville

Margaritas and mojitos usually come to mind first, but wine is every bit a part of the laid-back lifestyle that defines Key West. Sure, it is effortless to wander into any …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Unexpected Pairings

This past summer, I fell madly in love with a perhaps unexpected food and wine pairing: Braised beef ravioli with tomato sauce alongside a bottle of Grand Cru Burgundy. This past …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Of Bubbles and Guilt

As the holidays recede ever further into the distance, and as the Thanksgiving-to-New Years need to dull, the pain of all that happy-happy family time subsides, Champagne and other sparklers begin …

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Di Majo Norante 2002 Ramitello

This wine, made from 80% Montepulciano and 20% Aglianico, is not for the faint of heart. The nose is a rich combination of cloves, blackberry, orange peel, and a bit of …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

The Robotic Sommelier

Looks like the sommeliers of the world may soon look be run on batteries. A new wine-tasting robot has been unveiled by researchers working for NEC System Technologies in conjunction with …

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Frontpage Hero for Wine School of Philadelphia

Sierra de Siles 2003Tempranillo

An interestingly lolly-pop-like purple color that lightens to ruby at the edges is the first indication that this is a lighthearted wine. The nose smells strongly of cloves, and this exotic …

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